

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)


Suspicion of multiple sclerosis

Clinical background

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease affecting the central nervous system. Inflammation causes patches of destruction of the myelin and nerve impulses are disrupted. Certain data indicate that it is myelin-specific T lymphocytes that cause the disease. Autoantibodies to MOG also occur. The majority of patients are women between 20 and 40 years of age.

Diagnosis of MS is based on medical history, clinical neurological examination, magnetic camera examination of the nervous system and on typical findings in CSF. Elevated levels of Neurofilament light in CSF may indicate a worse prognosis.


  • Bai Z, Chen D, Wang L, et al. Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood Cytokines as Biomarkers for Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 226 Studies With 13,526 Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1026.
  • Konrad Rejdak, Samuel Jackson, Gavin Giovannoni, Multiple sclerosis: a practical overview for clinicians, British Medical Bulletin, Volume 95, Issue 1, September 2010, Pages 79–104

Last updated: 2024-06-17

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Multipel skleros (MS)


Misstanke om multipel skleros

Klinisk bakgrund

Multipel skleros (MS) är en inflammatorisk demyeliniserande sjukdom som drabbar centrala nervsystemet. Inflammationen leder till fläckvis förstöring av myelinet och nervimpulserna stoppas. Det finns data som tyder på att det är myelin specifika T-lymfocyter som orsakar sjukdomen men även autoantikroppar mot MOG förekommer. Majoriteten av patienterna är kvinnor mellan 20 till 40 år.

Diagnostik av MS baseras på anamnes, klinisk neurologisk undersökning, magnetkameraundersökning av nervsystemet och på typiska likvorfynd. Förhöjda nivåer av Neurofilament light i likvor kan innebära sämre prognos.


  • Bai Z, Chen D, Wang L, et al. Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood Cytokines as Biomarkers for Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 226 Studies With 13,526 Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1026.
  • Konrad Rejdak, Samuel Jackson, Gavin Giovannoni, Multiple sclerosis: a practical overview for clinicians, British Medical Bulletin, Volume 95, Issue 1, September 2010, Pages 79–104

Senast uppdaterat: 2024-06-17

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