Suspicion of small fiber neuropathy.
Western blot
Results are reported as negative or positive.
In a Japanese study of 110 patients with neuropathic pain autoantibodies against Plexin D1 could be detected in sera from about 10% of the cases. The autoantibodies were shown to bind selectively to mouse unmyelinated C-fibers. Burning pain and thermal hyperalgesia was characteristic and patients often responded to immunotherapies.
Last updated: 2024-06-18
Misstanke om fintrådsneuropati
Western Blot
Svaret anges som negativt eller positivt.
I en japansk studie av 110 patienter med neuropatisk smärta kunde autoantikroppar mot Plexin D1 påvisas i serum hos ca 10%. Autoantikropparna visades binda selektivt till omyeliniserade C-fibrer hos mus. Brännande smärta och thermal hyperalgesi var typisk och patienterna svarade ofta på immunmodulerande behandling.
Senast uppdaterat: 2024-06-18