

Alpha-Enolase Antibodies

IndicationSuspicion of paraneoplastic retinopathy (Carcinoma Associated retinopathy CAR).MethodImmunoblotAnswerThe result is expressed as negative or positive.InterpretationAlpha-enolase antibodies occurs almost exclusively in paraneoplastic retinopathy (Carcinoma Associated retinopathy CAR). Associated neoplasm is melanoma. These autoantibodies are believed to provide increased intracellular calcium due to autoantibody induced apoptosis, which may lead to degeneration of photoreceptors in the retina. Autoantibodies are believed to inhibit the catalytic function of alpha-enolase causing reduction of ATP and a consequent increase in intracellular ATP, which in turn causes changes in the glycolysis of retinal neurons and destruction of these.

Reference: Magrys et al. J Clin Immunol. 2007 PMID: 17235687

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IndikationMisstanke om paraneoplastisk retinopati (carcinoma associated retinopathy CAR).MetodImmunoblotSvarResultatet anges som negativt eller positivt.TolkningAlfa-enolase-antikroppar förekommer i princip uteslutande vid paraneoplastisk retinopati (carcinoma associated retinopathy CAR). Associerad neoplasm är melanom. Dessa autoantikroppar anses ge ökat intracellulärt kalcium pga autoantikropps inducerad apoptos, vilket kan leda till degenerering av fotoreceptorer i retina. Autoantikroppar tros inhibera den katalytiska funktionen hos alfa-enolase vilket orsakar minskning av ATP och därmed en ökning av intracellulärt ATP vilket i sin tur orsakar förändringar i glykolysen hos retinala neuron och destruktion av dessa.

Referens:PMID: 17235687.

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