In case of suspected paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) associated with malignant melanoma.
Indirect immunofluorescence (IIF)
Results are reported as negative or positive. Positive results are reported with a titer.
The presence of autoantibodies targeting carbonic anhydrase-related protein VIII (CARP VIII) has been reported in patients with Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) associated with malignant melanoma. Anti-CARP VIII antibodies have not been observed in the serum of patients with PCD associated with other tumors or with malignant melanoma without paraneoplastic syndromes.
The CARP VIII antigen is an intracellular Purkinje cell protein.
Generally, treatment with immunotherapy is more effective against auto-antibodies directed to extracellular antigen than with auto-antibodies against intracellular antigens.
Last updated: 2024-06-19
Misstanke om paraneoplastisk cerebellär degeneration med malignt melanom
Indirekt immunofluorescens (IIF)
Resultaten rapporteras som negativa eller positiva. Positiva resultat redovisas med en titer.
Närvaro av autoantikroppar riktade mot carbonic anhydrase-related protein VIII (CARP VIII) har rapporterats hos patienter med paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) i samband med malignt melanom. Antikropparna har inte observerats i serum hos patienter med PCD i samband med andra tumörer, eller med malignt melanom utan paraneoplastiska syndrom.
CARP VIII antiget är ett intracellulärt Purkinjecells protein.
Generellt är behandling med immunterapi effektivare mot autoantikroppar riktade mot extracellulära antigener än med autoantikroppar mot intracellulära antigener.
Senast uppdaterat: 2024-06-19