

Aquaporin 4 (AQP4) Antibodies (IgG) – Live CBA


Suspected Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO)

Sample material


  • Minim. volume: 0,5 mL


Within Sweden

  • room temperature


  • cold


Live CBA (cell-based assay)

Reference interval

  • negative


Results are reported as negative or positive.


IgG antibodies against AQP4 are a strong marker for neuromyelitis optica (NMO).

The recommendation is to test for anti-AQP4 antibodies only in serum, but there are isolated cases where anti-AQP4 antibodies have only been detected in CSF. The clinical relevance of antibodies in CSF is unclear and the diagnostic criteria are based on analysis of serum.

According to the Neuromyelitis optica study group (NEMOS) and IPND, antibodies against AQP4 detected by live CBA have the highest diagnostic sensitivity while maintaining specificity for NMO.


  • Sato DK et al. Neurology. 2014. Distinction between MOG antibody-positive and AQP4 antibody-positive NMO spectrum disorders. PMID: 24415568
  • Reindl M et al. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020. International multicenter examination of MOG antibody assays. PMID: 32024795
  • Majed M et al. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2016. Clinical utility of testing AQP4-IgG in CSF: Guidance for physicians. PMID: 27144221
  • Höftberger R et al. Mult Scler. 2015. Antibodies to MOG and AQP4 in adults with neuromyelitis optica and suspected limited forms of the disease. PMID: 25344373
  • Wingerchuk DM et al. Neurology. 2015. International consensus diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. PMID: 26092914
  • Lycke J, Malmeström C. Lakartidningen. 2010. Neuromyelitis optica--viktig differentialdiagnos till MS. Tidigt insatt behandling avgörande för prognosen. PMID: 21294335
  • Banwell B et al. Lancet Neurol. 2023. Diagnosis of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: International MOGAD Panel proposed criteria. PMID: 36706773
  • Paul F et al. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2023. International Delphi Consensus on the Management of AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD: Recommendations for Eculizumab, Inebilizumab, and Satralizumab. PMID: 37258412
  • Petzold A et al. Lancet Neurol. 2022. Diagnosis and classification of optic neuritis. PMID: 36179757

Last updated: 2024-11-12

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Aquaporin 4 (AQP4)-antikroppar (IgG) – Live CBA


Misstanke om Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO)



  • Minim. volym: 0,5 mL


Inom Sverige

  • rumstemperatur


  • kylt


Live CBA (cell-based assay)


  • negativt


Resultat anges som negativt eller positivt.


Förekomst av IgG-antikroppar mot AQP4 är en stark markör för neuromyelitis optica (NMO).

Rekommendationen är att testa för antikroppar mot AQP4 endast i serum men det finns enstaka fall där antikroppar mot AQP4 endast har detekterats i likvor. Betydelsen av antikroppar i likvor är oklar och diagnoskriterierna baseras på analys i serum.

Enligt Neuromyelitis optica study group (NEMOS) och International Panel for NMO Diagnosis (IPND) har antikroppar mot AQP4 som påvisats med live CBA högst diagnostisk sensitivitet med bibehållen specificitet för NMO.


  • Sato DK et al. Neurology. 2014. Distinction between MOG antibody-positive and AQP4 antibody-positive NMO spectrum disorders. PMID: 24415568
  • Reindl M et al. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020. International multicenter examination of MOG antibody assays. PMID: 32024795
  • Majed M et al. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2016. Clinical utility of testing AQP4-IgG in CSF: Guidance for physicians. PMID: 27144221
  • Höftberger R et al. Mult Scler. 2015. Antibodies to MOG and AQP4 in adults with neuromyelitis optica and suspected limited forms of the disease. PMID: 25344373
  • Wingerchuk DM et al. Neurology. 2015. International consensus diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. PMID: 26092914
  • Lycke J, Malmeström C. Lakartidningen. 2010. Neuromyelitis optica--viktig differentialdiagnos till MS. Tidigt insatt behandling avgörande för prognosen. PMID: 21294335
  • Banwell B et al. Lancet Neurol. 2023. Diagnosis of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: International MOGAD Panel proposed criteria. PMID: 36706773
  • Paul F et al. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2023. International Delphi Consensus on the Management of AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD: Recommendations for Eculizumab, Inebilizumab, and Satralizumab. PMID: 37258412
  • Petzold A et al. Lancet Neurol. 2022. Diagnosis and classification of optic neuritis. PMID: 36179757

Senast uppdaterat: 2024-11-12

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