

Trib2 Antibodies


Suspicion of narcolepsy.




The result is given as negative or positive where a positive response is accompanied by a ratio.


Antibodies against Trib-2 have been detected in 12.5 to 26.1% of patients with narcolepsy with cataplexy. Trib-2 protein is expressed (amongst other) by hypecretin-1 secreting cells. There is a hypothesis that narcolepsy is induced due to an autoimmune response that destroys the hypocretin-1-producing cells. One of the studies has found autoantibodies in a greater degree in patients with a recent onset of narcolepsy and cataplexy symptoms and another study there has mainly been found autoantibodies in young patients. Trib-2 autoantibodies can also be detected in autoimmune uveitis but relevance is unknown. Over 90% of individuals with narcolepsy with cataplexy carry the genetic marker HLA-DQB1 * 0602. Hypocretin-1 levels are usually significantly reduced in individuals with narcolepsy.


  • Cvetkovic-Lopes V, Bayer L, Dorsaz S, Maret S, Pradervand S, Dauvilliers Y, Lecendreux M, Lammers GJ, Donjacour CE, Du Pasquier RA, Pfister C, Petit B, Hor H, Mühlethaler M, Tafti M. Elevated Tribbles homolog 2-specific antibody levels in narcolepsy patients. J Clin Invest. 2010 Mar; 120(3):713-9. PMID: 20160349
  • Kawashima M, Lin L, Tanaka S, Jennum P, Knudsen S, Nevsimalova S, Plazzi G, Mignot E. Anti-Tribbles homolog 2 (TRIB2) autoantibodies in narcolepsy are Associated with Recent Onset of cataplexy. Sleep. 2010 Jul, 33 (7):869-74. PMID: 20614846
  • Toyoda H, Tanaka S, Miyagawa T, Honda Y, Tokunaga K, Honda M. Anti-Tribbles homolog 2 autoantibodies in Japanese patient with narcolepsy. Sleep. 2010 Jul, 33 (7):875-8. PMID: 20614847
  • Winding A, Ramelius A, Olsson T, Arnheim-Dahlstrom L, Lamb F, Khademi M, Ambati A, Maeurer M, Nilsson AL, Bomfim IL, Fink C, Å Lernmark H1N1 Antibodies and TRIB2 autoantibodies in narcolepsy patient Diagnosed in Conjunction with the Pandemrix vaccination campaign in Sweden 2009-2010. J Autoimmun. 2014 May; 50:99-106. PMID: 24485154
  • Zhang Y, Davis JL, Li W. Identification of tribbles homolog 2 as an autoantigen in autoimmune uveitis by phage display. Mol Immunol. 2005 Jul; 42 (11) :1275-81. PMID: 15950723

Last updated: 2024-06-18

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Vid misstanke om narkolepsi.




Svaret anges som negativt eller positivt där positivt svar åtföljs med kvot.


Antikroppar mot Trib-2 har detekterats hos upp till 12,5-26,1% av patienter med narkolepsi med kataplexi. Proteinet Trib-2 utrycks bland annat av hypekretin-1 sekreterande celler. Det finns en hypotes om att narkolepsi induceras på grund av en autoimmun reaktion som förstör de hypokretin-1-producerande cellerna. En av studierna har funnit autoantikropparna i en högre grad hos patienter med en närliggande start av narkolepsi och kataplexi symptomen och en annan studie har främst funnit autoantikropparna hos unga patienter. Trib-2 autoantikroppar även detekterats vid autoimmune uveit men relevansen är okänd. Över 90% av individerna med narkolepsi med kataplexi bär på den genetiska markören HLA-DQB1*0602. Hypokretin-1 nivåer är vanligen kraftigt sänkta hos individer med narkolepsi.


  • Cvetkovic-Lopes V, Bayer L, Dorsaz S, Maret S, Pradervand S, Dauvilliers Y, Lecendreux M, Lammers GJ, Donjacour CE, Du Pasquier RA, Pfister C, Petit B, Hor H, Mühlethaler M, Tafti M. Elevated Tribbles homolog 2-specific antibody levels in narcolepsy patients. J Clin Invest. 2010 Mar; 120(3):713-9. PMID: 20160349
  • Kawashima M, Lin L, Tanaka S, Jennum P, Knudsen S, Nevsimalova S, Plazzi G, Mignot E. Anti-Tribbles homolog 2 (TRIB2) autoantibodies in narcolepsy are Associated with Recent Onset of cataplexy. Sleep. 2010 Jul, 33 (7):869-74. PMID: 20614846
  • Toyoda H, Tanaka S, Miyagawa T, Honda Y, Tokunaga K, Honda M. Anti-Tribbles homolog 2 autoantibodies in Japanese patient with narcolepsy. Sleep. 2010 Jul, 33 (7):875-8. PMID: 20614847
  • Winding A, Ramelius A, Olsson T, Arnheim-Dahlstrom L, Lamb F, Khademi M, Ambati A, Maeurer M, Nilsson AL, Bomfim IL, Fink C, Å Lernmark H1N1 Antibodies and TRIB2 autoantibodies in narcolepsy patient Diagnosed in Conjunction with the Pandemrix vaccination campaign in Sweden 2009-2010. J Autoimmun. 2014 May; 50:99-106. PMID: 24485154
  • Zhang Y, Davis JL, Li W. Identification of tribbles homolog 2 as an autoantigen in autoimmune uveitis by phage display. Mol Immunol. 2005 Jul; 42 (11) :1275-81. PMID: 15950723

Senast uppdaterat: 2024-06-18

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