Suspicion of Alzheimer's disease or cognitive impairment.
Single Molecule Array (SIMOA)
< 45,0 pg/mL
The reference interval represents 99th-percentile of 150 healthy individuals.
Results are reported as a concentration in pg/mL.
Plasma pTau-181 ≥ 45.0 pg/mL supports further investigations when Alzheimer's disease is suspected. The result should be combined with other investigations as well as clinical symptoms for the final diagnosis.
Last updated: 2024-06-26
Misstanke om Alzheimers sjukdom eller vid minnesutredning
Single Molecule Array (SIMOA)
< 45,0 pg/mL
Referensintervallen representerar 99:e percentilen av 150 friska individer.
Resultat anges som koncentration i pg/mL.
Plasma pTau-181 ≥ 45.0 pg/ml motiverar vidare utredning vid misstanke om Alzheimers sjukdom. Diagnosen baseras även på kliniska symtom och andra undersökningsfynd.
Senast uppdaterat: 2024-06-26