



CXCL13 level is measured in CSF in cases of suspected neuroborreliosis or neuroinflammation. Research shows that CXCL13 in CSF is a promising biomarker in MS.


The results are reported quantitatively as ng/L. Reference value is 7.8 ng/L.


CXCL13 is a chemokine that attracts B-lymphocytes. Elevated levels of CXCl13 is seen in neuroinflammation with B-cell infiltration and strongly elevated levels is typical of neuroborreliosis. Less pronounced increase is often seen even in active multiple sclerosis (MS) and after a first relapse of neuroinflammation, elevated level of CXCL13 predicts transition to MS diagnosis.

Csf-CXCL13 may also be elevated in other neuroinflammatory diseases involving B-cells, including Neuromyelitis Optica and various forms of encephalitis.


  • Romme Christensen J, Börnsen L, Khademi M, Olsson T, Jensen PE, Sørensen PS, Sell Bjerg F. CSF inflammation and axonal damage are increased and correlate in progressive multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2013 May, 19(7):877-84. PMID 23178691
  • Rupprecht TA, Plate A, Adam M, Wick M, Kast Bauer S, Schmidt C, Klein M, Pfister HW, Koedel U. The chemokine CXCL13 is a key regulator of B cell recruitment to the cerebrospinal fluid in acute Lyme neuroborreliosis. J Neuroinflammation. 2009 Dec 30;6:42. PMID: 20042073
  • Kowarik MC, Cepok S, Sellner J, Grummel V, Weber MS, Korn T, Bert Hele A, Hemmer B. CXCL13 is the major determinant for B cell recruitment to the CSF during neuroinflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 May 16;9:93. PMID: 22591862
  • Zhong X1, Wang H, Dai Y, Wu A, Bao J, Xu W, Cheng C, Lu Z, Qiu W, Hu X. Cerebrospinal fluid levels of CXCL13 are elevated in Neuromyelitis optica. J Neuroimmunol. 2011 Dec 15;240-241:104-8. PMID: 22036953

Last updated: 2024-07-02

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Nivåerna av CXCL13 mäts i likvor vid misstanke om neuroborrelios eller annan neuroinflammation. Forskning visar att CXCL13 i likvor är en lovande biomarkör vid MS.




Resultatet anges kvantitativt som ng/L. Referensvärde är 7,8 ng/L.


CXCL13 är ett kemokin som attraherar B-lymfocyter. Förhöjd nivå av CXCl13 i likvor ses vid neuroinflammation med infiltration av B-celler och kraftigt förhöjd nivå är typiskt vid neuroborrelios. Mindre uttalade förhöjningar ses ofta även vid aktiv multipel skleros (MS) och efter ett första skov av neuroinflammation predikterar förhöjd nivå CXCL 13 övergång till MS-diagnos.

Csv-CXCL13 kan även vara förhöjd vid andra neuroinflammatoriska sjukdomar som involverar B-celler, bland annat Neuromyelitis Optica och olika former av encefalit.


  • Romme Christensen J, Börnsen L, Khademi M, Olsson T, Jensen PE, Sørensen PS, Sell Bjerg F. CSF inflammation and axonal damage are increased and correlate in progressive multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2013 May, 19(7):877-84. PMID 23178691
  • Rupprecht TA, Plate A, Adam M, Wick M, Kast Bauer S, Schmidt C, Klein M, Pfister HW, Koedel U. The chemokine CXCL13 is a key regulator of B cell recruitment to the cerebrospinal fluid in acute Lyme neuroborreliosis. J Neuroinflammation. 2009 Dec 30;6:42. PMID: 20042073
  • Kowarik MC, Cepok S, Sellner J, Grummel V, Weber MS, Korn T, Bert Hele A, Hemmer B. CXCL13 is the major determinant for B cell recruitment to the CSF during neuroinflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 May 16;9:93. PMID: 22591862
  • Zhong X1, Wang H, Dai Y, Wu A, Bao J, Xu W, Cheng C, Lu Z, Qiu W, Hu X. Cerebrospinal fluid levels of CXCL13 are elevated in Neuromyelitis optica. J Neuroimmunol. 2011 Dec 15;240-241:104-8. PMID: 22036953

Senast uppdaterat: 2024-07-02

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