Our new panel supports the diagnostic process of Alzheimer's Disease. The new panel includes testing of biomarkers: ApoE4 genotyping, Neurogranin, and pTau-181
Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis entails a comprehensive examination including medical history, cognitive assessments, physical examination, neurological evaluation. During the last few years, the technological possibilities of testing blood-based biomarkers have expanded.
We now offer testing of pTau-181 in plasma. Increased levels of pTau-181 are detected in early pathological changes and are correlated to the clinical severity of disease in AD. The panel also offers the genotyping of apolipoprotein E allele 4 (ApoE4). Compared to the normal population, ApoE4 carriers have an increased risk of developing AD. In early stages of the disease increased levels of Neurogranin can be seen in AD patients compared to those of other neurogenerative diseases.
Our new panel supports the diagnostic process of Alzheimer's Disease. The new panel includes testing of biomarkers: ApoE4 genotyping, Neurogranin, and pTau-181
Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis entails a comprehensive examination including medical history, cognitive assessments, physical examination, neurological evaluation. During the last few years, the technological possibilities of testing blood-based biomarkers have expanded.
We now offer testing of pTau-181 in plasma. Increased levels of pTau-181 are detected in early pathological changes and are correlated to the clinical severity of disease in AD. The panel also offers the genotyping of apolipoprotein E allele 4 (ApoE4). Compared to the normal population, ApoE4 carriers have an increased risk of developing AD. In early stages of the disease increased levels of Neurogranin can be seen in AD patients compared to those of other neurogenerative diseases.