iLite® IFN beta 1a NAb positive control


iLite® IFN beta 1a NAb positive control is a polyclonal rabbit antibody with a neutralizing effect on IFN beta 1a and can be used together with iLite® Type I IFN Assay Ready Cells (BM3049).

The iLite® IFN beta 1a NAb positive control can be used as positive control for neutralizing antibodies against IFN when using iLite Type I IFN Assay Ready Cells (BM3049).


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iLite®  IFN beta 1a NAb positive control

At a glance

Product code BM3251
Size 45 µL
Technology Reagent
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Regulatory status Research Use Only

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45 µL of iLite® IFN beta 1a NAb positive control diluted in RPMI 1640 with 10% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1% Penicillin Streptomycin.


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